Dr. Syed Muhammad Jafar (Late) established a Technical Training Institute in 1984 near Moon Market, Allama Iqbal Town, Lahore with sole aim to provide Technical & Vocational Education to the unskilled and unprivileged youth. The objective was to transform the unprivileged youth into a skilled force in order to curb their poverty/financial issues by equipping them with Technical Skills to overcome job market depression and motivating them for Self-Employment. The Technical Training Centre initially offered Technical & Vocational Short courses of 3 and 6 months duration.

Institute in 1984
The Training Centre was upgraded into Pak Polytechnic Institute (PPI) in 1993 and got Affiliated with Punjab Board of Technical Education (P.B.T.E), Lahore and started offering Diploma in Associate Engineering (D.A.E) 3 Year program courses as well in Five Technology Disciplines. Permanent Affiliation status from P.B.T.E was awarded in January 2006. The Institute is also affiliated with Technical Education & Vocational Training Authority (TEVTA), Government of the Punjab & Punjab Skills Development Authority (PSDA).
Bachelor of Technology (BS Tech) degree classes in affiliation with the University of Sargodha started in the year 2015. Private Virtual Campus PLHR-02 of Virtual University, Pakistan was established in the Institute for the conduct of Training and Examinations for disciplines offered by Virtual University of Pakistan. Furthermore Short Courses in Graphic Designing, Web Development, Digital Marketing & SEO, Computer Programming, Networking, Mobile App Development, Software Quality Assurance, Microsoft Foundation & Advance, are also conducted at campus.
The Institute is governed by I.T.E Trust, recognized by Federal Board of Revenue as a Non-Profit Organization with Tax Exemption status u/s 2(36) of Income Tax Ordinance 2001.